The Village staff and employees strive to provide the best service possible to our residents, while keeping your property taxes as low as possible.

Your local government – made up of dedicated elected officials and highly qualified staff – works hard to ensure that Addison continues to grow and thrive.  Village services are consistently praised, while being provided with a reasonable tax rate.

More than 36,000 people call the Village of Addison home.  Whether you are new to our community, or have lived here for years, here is some of the information you need to know.  

Addison has been extremely successful at attracting and retaining industry and business within the village due to the proactive and forward-thinking actions of its elected officials. To encourage business and industrial development and facilitate the expansion of existing sites, the village offers a wide variety of economic incentives that are molded to the needs of each individual business seeking a home in Addison.

Whether you are considering calling Addison home, or just visiting for day for pleasure or business, here are some links you might find useful.


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Storm Water

Storm Water Management

The purpose of storm water management is to diminish threats to public health and safety caused by floodwaters; reduce economic losses to individuals and the community at large; enhance broader social and economic objectives; protect, conserve, and promote the orderly development of land and water resources; prevent victimizations and fraud; and to comply with the guidelines for the National Flood Insurance Program as published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

All new construction projects whether for a single family home, an entire subdivision or industrial park, or shopping center must incorporate storm water management practices. Soil erosion and sediment control measures, storm water conveyance and detention, and special management areas, and best management practices are reviewed for compliance with the Village and Countywide storm water management ordinances. These two ordinances together are one of the most stringent storm water and flood plain management codes in the nation.

Refer to the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance and the Village of Addison Storm Water and Floodplain Management Ordinance for specific storm water and flood plain management requirements when preparing an engineering site development plan for a proposed project within the Village.

Download our Guide to Storm Water Management brochure for some general information.

To download information on the Addison Stormwater Management Program, click here.

Village of Addison Stormwater Management Certification Application.

Flood Plain and Floodway

Flood Plain is land that is adjacent to and including a body of water where ground surface elevations are at or below a specified flood elevation, and the floodway is the channel and that portion of the flood plain adjacent to a stream or water course that is needed to convey the base flood. Both the flood plain and flood way are special management areas which require special permitting.

To view the Village of Addison Flood Information and Community Rating System Outreach Project Brochure, including the FEMA Floodplain Map, click here

Development requirements for projects within the flood plain can be found in the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance and the Village of Addison Storm Water and Floodplain Management Ordinance. For additional information, checkout the flood links on the External Links page.

Water Quality and Best Management Practices (BMP's)

Improving the quality of water discharged into our ponds, streams, and creeks within the Village has taken on greater importance because of the Federal Clean Water Act's National Pollutant Discharge System Phase II (NPDES PII) implementation. Because of this Federal mandate, the Village and the County are in the process of implementing water quality enhancing measures and expect that those measures will be required early 2008.

Download our Guide to Protecting our Water Quality brochure for some general information.

The Village has been implementing BMP's for some time now. Village implemented BMP's include requiring construction entrances and silt filter fence around construction sites, installation of French drains and drywells, and providing education and technical expertise to contractors and homeowners.

Download our Erosion and Sediment Control for Small Sites handout for Single Family Permits.

Download our Guide to Best Management Practices brochure for some general information.

Community Phosphorus Control

Why phosphorus?

Phosphorus, when in high quantities, can cause the excessive growth of algae in our ponds, lakes and oceans. This excess of phosphorus begins the process of eutrophication. Eutrophication happens when excess nutrients, like phosphorus, enter a body of water and cause an algal bloom. These blooms, when they die off, create an oxygen depletion in the water and subsequently the death of animal and plant life. Some ways phosphorus enters our streams and rivers are wastewater treatment plants and storm water run-off.

EPA Requirement of Phosphorus Removal

The EPA has mandated that NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit holders in Illinois began the process of phosphorus removal in their wastewater treatment plants. Currently, Addison’s wastewater treatment plants only remove about 33% of the incoming phosphorus. Even with this reduction, Addison does not meet the upcoming discharge limits that the EPA will require of us. What does this mean for Addison residents? Addison is asking that you help with the removal of Phosphorus by means of Best Management Practices (BMP).


BMPs are a practice, or combination of practices, that are determined to be an effective and practicable means of preventing or reducing the amount of pollution to a level compatible with water quality goals.

BMPs for households

In a study conducted by Addison’s Environmental Services Dept., approximately 55% of all phosphorus coming into our wastewater treatment plants is from residential sources. One way to remove some of this phosphorus is to replace your cleaning supplies that contain phosphorus. Always choose low and non-phosphorus cleaning supplies.

BMPs for stormwater runoff

Phosphorus also enters our waterways through our storm sewer system. This stormwater runoff feeds directly into our waterways, with no treatment! Use no-phosphorus fertilizer on lawns and gardens.Be sure to check the bags when you buy them. Look for the package formula of nitrate-phosphorus-potassium, such as 22-0-15. The middle number, representing phosphorus, should be 0.

Keep grass clippings in the lawn. When mowing the grass, avoid blowing grass clippings into the street, where they wash into storm sewers that drain to lakes and rivers.

Keep leaves and other organic matter out of the street. Again, streets drain to storm sewers, which in turn drain to rivers and lakes.

 For more information on nutrient pollution, please visit

IEPA General Permits and Annual Reports

2021 NOI
2020 NOI
2016 NOI
2013 NOI

2022 - 2023 NPDES Annual Report
2021 - 2022 NPDES Annual Report
2020 - 2021 NPDES Annual Report
2019 - 2020 NPDES Annual Report
2018 - 2019 NPDES Annual Report
2017 - 2018 NPDES Annual Report
2016 - 2017 NPDES Annual Report

2015 - 2016 NPDES Annual Report
2014 - 2015 NPDES Annual Report
2013 - 2014 NPDES Annual Report

DuPage County Annual Reports

Outside Water Quality Resources

For information regarding storm water management in the Village of Addison, contact the Village Engineer in the Department of Community Development at 630/693-7535.
