The Village staff and employees strive to provide the best service possible to our residents, while keeping your property taxes as low as possible.

Your local government – made up of dedicated elected officials and highly qualified staff – works hard to ensure that Addison continues to grow and thrive.  Village services are consistently praised, while being provided with a reasonable tax rate.

More than 36,000 people call the Village of Addison home.  Whether you are new to our community, or have lived here for years, here is some of the information you need to know.  

Addison has been extremely successful at attracting and retaining industry and business within the village due to the proactive and forward-thinking actions of its elected officials. To encourage business and industrial development and facilitate the expansion of existing sites, the village offers a wide variety of economic incentives that are molded to the needs of each individual business seeking a home in Addison.

Whether you are considering calling Addison home, or just visiting for day for pleasure or business, here are some links you might find useful.


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Village Departments

Village Departments

Residential Rental Program

The Community Development Department oversees the Residential Rental Inspection program.  A Housing Manual that identifies the procedures, codes, standards and requirements for all sites is available to property owners by clicking here.

  • With more than 1,000 residential rental properties and nearly 4,000 residential rental units, the Village implemented an incentive based Residential Rental Licensing Program.
  • All dwellings or dwelling units not occupied by the owner, where rent is charged, are required to obtain a Residential Rental License on an annual basis. The rental license year runs from May 1 - April 30, coinciding with the Village's fiscal year. Renewal licenses are sent in the mail in March and are always due no later than April 30.
Click here to sign into the Portal, or create an account, in order to apply for a new Rental License or to renew an existing Rental License. 
Having trouble creating a Portal account? Click here for help!
Click here for step by step instructions on renewing your license application through the Portal.

  • A yearly inspection is required where 20 percent of the units in a multi-family dwelling, as well as interior and exterior common areas are inspected. A grade is assessed at the end of the annual inspection with determines required re-inspections, the number of additional inspections, and associated fees if any.
  • All owners of residential rental properties are required to attend an 8-hour Crime Free Multi-Housing Class. This program combines the efforts of the Addison Police Department and the owners and managers of rental properties to keep drugs, gangs, and illegal activity off of the property.
  • For questions, concerns or comments regarding the Residential Rental Licensing Program, the Crime Free Housing Program, or wishing to verify the status of a Tenant Landlord Commission meeting, please email